Keyword strategies are becoming easier to create with new tools available to WordPress bloggers and to individual web site owners. Ranking on the first page of Google results is not as difficult as you might think. With a little research and some good strategies in place, you can do quite well.
A keyword tool that is popular among many website developers is the Word Tracker Free Keyword Tool. You will find that it does the brainstorming for you by giving you alternate suggestions for other keyword phrases.
A tool you can easily use to help you determine which keywords to focus on is listed below:
Search engine optimization using good keyword strategies will help your site gain top positions on Google, MSN and Yahoo search engines. Just this weekend I tested some keywords for my site. I logged in to my Google Webmaster Tools account and found out that I was getting traffic from a variety of key words that I wasn’t aware of.
The keyword results are listed below:
Key Word | Date | Position | Number of Page Results |
loved by many | 9/7/2008 | 7 | 135,000,000 |
word mortgage | 9/7/2008 | 18 | 26,200,000 |
20 blog | 9/7/2008 | 4 | 22,200,000 |
submit your blog | 9/7/2008 | 15 | 21,000,000 |
top blog wordpress | 9/7/2008 | 7 | 17,300,000 |
wordpress top blog | 9/7/2008 | 1 | 13,000,000 |
personal finance stories | 9/7/2008 | 10 | 6,750,000 |
wordpress blogging tips | 9/7/2008 | 6 | 2,380,000 |
blogging tips | 9/7/2008 | 20 | 1,680,000 |
blog submission directories | 9/7/2008 | 8 | 532,000 |
blogging tips plugin | 9/7/2008 | 1 | 518,000 |
blogging tips plugin for wordpress | 9/7/2008 | 1 | 513,000 |
places to advertise a wordpress blog | 9/7/2008 | 1 | 356,000 |
blog submission plugin | 9/7/2008 | 1 | 194,000 |
WordPress is extremely search engine friendly and with a Google Webmaster Tools account you can look up your results quickly and easily.
A very good key word strategy to use is to add a little hittail code to your site. has a service that will track every keyword people use to get to your site with and it will create a long tail key word list for you, listing up to 300 key words. All of this is done with one line of code.
Another very useful site for overall search engine optimization is at:
They host 20 powerful key word tools free for anyone to use, so be sure to take advantage of them.
With all the good key word tools available for WordPress bloggers and web site owners, there are numerous opportunities for you to rank high in the search engines.
If you have a tool you like to use, please suggest one. where you can read about some other good keyword strategies.
Wordtracker Presentation
Max Holloway sent me this video that will help you learn why people would be willing to link back to your site. Good information for all website owners to learn.
By Ken McGaffin, developer of Wordtracker’s Link Building Tool
Sherry, this is very helpful. I have bookmarked your site and am slowly readding all your posts. Great work.
The information is very easy to follow and it’s written in an easy to read, enjoyable fashion.
Thank you
Great ideas for keyword strategies. Thanks.